Get in Touch


Head Office

Traxx UK Manufacture & Distribution Limited
Address: The 1921 Building, East Malling Business Centre, ME19 6BJ England

Contact: Ian Calderwood
Tel: +44 7974 450 868
E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Our Distributors


We are proud to be fully functional with Traxx™ Licensed Distributors in 12 countries around the World
and incredibly privileged to be working with some of the World’s most respected brands.

If you are a brand, agency, or fleet operator, please check if we have a Distributor in your country. If we don’t, please get in touch with our CEO, Ian Calderwood.

If you are a graphic converter, interested to join our product distribution network, please get in touch with our CEO, Ian Calderwood.


Other countries

Seeking Representation
Please get in touch with our CEO, Ian Calderwood